Here it is!!!!!!!!!! My latest MOC that I have been working on!!!!!! Presenting!!!!!
I was trying to make it into a Hot-rod but instead I came out with this. It is really cool and has a neat design but it is pretty much useless because it doesn't have any sensors (I didn't have enough pieces), I made it so that it could be controlled via another NXT. It is TWD (Two wheel drive) and the gear ratio is about 1:2. The other motor is used to turn the front wheels, I got the inspiration from Laurens Valks "SPC" (Self Parking Car). It can be built with only one NXT 1.0 or 2.0 set, but you will need 1 extra 40-tooth gear.Due to some technical difficulty's I could not add video or LDD, Sorry!!!!!!
Here is some more pictures of HumvNXT: