I have finally finished my MOC! Presenting......... "The Circulator"
When I heard NXTLog was hosting a "crazycontraption" contest I couldn't wait to get started on an entry, but I only had one NXT set so I couldn't make a really big robot, but I started anyway and it turned out great. Okay now on too the details!
Overview picture.
Module 1: When the ball comes down the ramp it falls in between two technic beam liftarms with a 53 degree angle and will spin 90 degrees every 3.5 seconds. Then after 7 seconds it will be pushed of onto a ramp that goes to the next module.
Module 2: This one is based on a popular GBC module. A motor geared down moves a beam with axles through the end in circles to push balls up a 45 degree angle, which pushes them onto another ramp that leads to the last module.
Module 3: This last module is one of the most common modules, all it does is wait until the ultrasonic sensor sees something pass by and waits 1 second to lift the arm up to start the chain all over again.
Conclusion: This has really been a fun project for me to build, and I hope to build an even bigger one when I get my 2.0!
Here is a bird's eye view of "The Circulator"